Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Weak Hope

"Hope" by George Frederic Watts



weak god is nine months pregnant

nine months, eight days, sixty-seven hours

145 light years of Hope pressing on bladder

23 million star dates of Hope kicking kidneys

an eon on feet more water than bone

forever off-center, top-heavy, unbalanced

an eternity of the question, "When will I deliver?"

Sunday, May 14, 2023

An Old-Fashioned Courtship

Credit: Dales Fuzzy Photos

He-Cardinals clashing two beaks to one instinct
       feathered body check
       flutter back
       wary regroup
a Wide Receiver’s angle cut off by a Corner
while She-Cardinal hops out of their flight attack pattern

Let’s not romanticize this engagement

The He’s are tunneled visions of red beats bursting
She is a submissive for later inspection

The father of her egg-brood will be the one with
the cruelest aim, most likely to maim, the
deadliest peck-reflex at her options

 (Prompted by Missouri state Sen. Mike Moon’s creepy
 approval of children marrying at twelve years of age)